Top 5 Ways You Can Save Time NOW

Running a business is so rewarding… but don’t you wish you had more time for family, travel, or self-care?

… I mean, DUH, right!?

Luckily, I have 5 ways (I practice all of these religiously) that can save you time now and make more time for the things that bring happiness to your life.

1. Outsource Personal Tasks 

This was a HUGE game changer for me! Outsource those personal tasks that take up time (laundry, home projects, grocery shopping) to a wash & fold laundry service,, and Instacart

Think about what your hour is worth as a business owner. No, seriously put a dollar amount on it. How much money do you make or want to make an hour? $100? $200? $500? Now, how many hours does it take for you to do laundry every week? To wash, switch over, fold… Ugh, I’m annoyed just thinking about it.  

Laundry was literally something I loathed to my core. Finding a laundry service not only made my heart sing, but it gave me so much more time to spend on whatever I wanted, i.e. work, family, self-care! If you can justify the cost and time for your hourly rate as a Beauty-Boss, just pull the trigger and outsource it. I 100% believe you will never look back. 

2. Perform a Task & Time Audit (every 2 weeks) 

Prioritize and delegate tasks by performing a time and task audit. 

  1. Choose your 2-3 biggest projects and write them down. 
  2. List the tasks under each project that need to be completed.
  3. Mark which tasks are your biggest needle movers, i.e. the tasks that are most important to make a drastic push forward to achieving your goals.  
  4. Be crystal clear on what only you can do, list these together. (These are your $1000 dollar tasks.) 
  5. Find which tasks you can delegate from this list, and delegate/assign them to a team member. (This could even be your significant other if it’s a home task!)

3. Cut Out the Unnecessary  

Cut out the unnecessary to make time for the necessary. Cross out any task that really isn’t going to move you forward or make that much of a difference towards your goal.

*Bonus points if you cut something out of your schedule that truly doesn’t bring you joy! Stop agreeing to do “all the things” if they don’t align with your dreams or goals.

4. Get a Trackable Project Management Program 

My top fave is Asana – it is like MINDBLOWINGLY addictive if you like being organized. You can create teams, projects tasks (subtasks within tasks)… It keeps all of your files and to-do-lists organized. I am forever grateful to the friend that introduced it to me! It not only helps me stay organized and in the loop with my team, but I also have personal projects set up for family vacation planning, my business mentoring – you name it. Trello is a great one, too, if you are a visual organizer. Both are free to start.

5. Hire a VA (Virtual Assistant)  

If there is a task that you can delegate, I guarantee you there is a Virtual Assistant (VA) out there that specializes in that specific task! Your virtual assistant (or virtual team) can handle things such as email marketing, blogs, graphics, social media marketing, website, copywriting – WHATEVER YOU CAN DREAM OF! 

This has been a game changer for me. For example, I have a wonderful VA who just transcribed and formatted this blog idea for me, sent it out in an email, and back-linked it to my website. Meanwhile I was able to work on one of my $1000 needle-moving tasks. Now that is a time-saver! 

I can’t wait to hear how you apply these tips to your own life this week! Make sure you comment or send me a message at @thetiffanimitchell to let me know how you made this advice work for you.

Cheers to you for making moves to get your own time back!

xx – Tiffani 

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Tiffani Mitchell is a US-based beauty business strategist empowering lash business owners worldwide through her signature educational programs, mentorship services, resources, and more.